Books/Literature - French Literature! - Language Exchange

Category: Books/Literature
Discussion: French Literature!

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French Literature!
Hi i have been studying French for 6 years now, I am 16 years old and i would like someone to recommend any simple french literature for me to read, can be any genre,
any recommendations from any nationality appreciated :) thankyou Fiona

Language pair: English; All
January 11, 2005

Re:French Literature!
Hi Fiona! I'm French wanting to improve my English... What kind of books do you want to read? Funny ones? Classical ones? I advise you to read "Poil de Carotte" by Jules Renard. It is a short book, a very interesting story... which seems quite simple to read... but it is hard to judge the difficulty from my point of view... I can't name the title in English, nor make a traduction... It is a peculiar French expression that defines the hair colour of a boy who faces difficulties with his parents, especially his mother who punishes him for nothing... It is really pleasant to read... And it is a well-known story in France. Enjoy it!

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 42625
January 12, 2005

Re:French Literature!
I teach French litterature here a few books I would recommend:
Le chien jaune (this is a mystery novel and relatively short)
L'annonce faite à Marie-this is a French play, it's very good
Bonheur d'occasion-this book was written by French-Canadian author Gabrielle Roy, it is longer, but a very good read

I hope this helps!

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 42625
January 20, 2005

Re:French Literature!
je m'appelle Paul, je suis pére de famille,marié, 53 ans, et j'ai 5 enfants dont certains ont ton âge.
Je vais te proposer bientôt, si tu le souhaites,quelques livres qui pourront t'intéresser , notamment sur le terroir ( la campagne) du sud ouest ou du sud est de la France, plein d'humanité, simples dans le style.
Au revoir et à bientôt.

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 42625
February 16, 2005


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