Study Abroad - student - Language Exchange

Category: Study Abroad
Discussion: student

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# Message Posted By
hello i`m just a english teacher trainee and want to exchange some e-mails with everybody.

Language pair: Spanish; English
March 3, 2005

¡Hola Jesús!

Bienvenidos a Language Exchange; mucho gusto conocerte. Yo también estudio ensenar ingels, y por eso, no pudí dejar de ayudarte con tu tarea. Favor de dejamer sabes si puedo ayudarte en algo, con ingles, con la cultura americana, o con asuntos de ensenar a ingles. Tengo un certificado por ensenar composición, y estudio para un máster en la literatura de inglés. Quiero enseñar literatura y composición en universidad.


I’m not sure if you’re assignment calls for us to reply to you in english or not, so I thought I would translate, just in case it helps:

Welcome to language exchange! I’m delighted to meet you. I’m also studing teaching English, so I couldn’t ignore your request for help with your assignment. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with, either English, American culture, or with theory of teaching English. I have a certificate for teaching composition, and I’m working on my master’s degree in English literature. I hope to teach literature and composition, either in community college, or in the University.

Best wishes,

Mark Springer
Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 46278

March 4, 2005

hola!!! me too i want to associate with you. Couples of monthes i began to learn spanish so i am so glad that i've found you. we can help each other. Write me i'll tell you more.

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 46278
April 3, 2005


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