Vocabulary/Translations - I'll teach English in return for Italian - Language Exchange

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Discussion: I'll teach English in return for Italian

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# Message Posted By
I'll teach English in return for Italian
I am 22 years old and from New Jersey and can only speak English. I would love to learn the Italian language. I am a very patient teacher, being that I am a student still myself.

Language pair: English; All
May 24, 2005

Re:I'll teach English in return for Italian
Hello! I can help you with Italian (I'm a native speaker), but my English is quite poor, so I think you'll have to use a bit of imagination :) I had an English test a week ago, but I'm not very confident. I wonder if I could ask you to help me correct my mistakes in that test -the results will be given next week, I think.- Anyway, feel free to ask me everything about Italian, and I'll do my best to help you! :)

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 52480
June 2, 2005

Re:Re:I'll teach English in return for Italian
Hi Francesca

Your English seems fine to me. I have been learning Italian for 6 months at evening class. I am struggling with the verbs. Do you think you could help?


Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 53121
June 3, 2005

Re:Re:Re:I'll teach English in return for Italian
Hi Damon! Thanks! Of course, I can help you with verbs, I know they're very difficult because of the huge number of exceptions... I think unless you know Latin you'll just have to keep making exercise until they come naturally to your mind. There's a sort of evolution in language here...conjunctive form (one of the most frightening I suppose, with conditional as well) is slowly disappearing, but in such contexts as university or work you're supposed to make good use of the language :)
For example, hearing something like "se lo sapevo non ci andavo" instead of "se lo avessi saputo non ci sarei andato/a" is quite common. This was just to say that you're not alone in your struggle :D

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 53212
June 8, 2005


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