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hello Amandine,
In the sentence "C'est chaud.", the grammatical subject "C" has already known what it is. You need to know what it is from the context. One person who is going to eat a dish which is just taken from a microwave can say "C'est chaud". (The speaker understand "C"is the dish from a context.
*In the spoken language, "c'est chaud" is popular way of saying among young people."en general that implies a risk notion."(i didn't understand this.....)Now in the spoken language among young people, "c'set chaud" can explain almost the same..........Toujours dans la la langue parlee par les jeunes "c'est chaud" peut egalement designer quelque chose pour decrire une situation a connotation erotique.( i didn't understand this either.)
Language pair: French; English