Films/Movies - help deseo prender el hindi-ingles indio "desire to catch hindi-ingles Indian - Language Exchange

Category: Films/Movies
Discussion: help deseo prender el hindi-ingles indio "desire to catch hindi-ingles Indian

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# Message Posted By
help deseo prender el hindi-ingles indio "desire to catch hindi-ingles Indian
hola amigos
quisiera que me ayuden soy un chico que habla español pero tiene muchos deseos de aprender el idioma de la india aver si se contactan conmigo en nuestra pagina o enviando un correo o a mi msn
me gusta bollywood " india films "

hello friends
he wanted that they help me I am a boy who speaks Spanish but
he has many desires to learn the language of India to aver if they
contact themselves with me in our pagina or sending a mail or to my
I like bollywood "India films"

Language pair: Hindi; Hindi

December 2, 2005


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