Seeking Partners - im 15 years old and i want to practice my spanish with a native spanish person - Language Exchange

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Discussion: im 15 years old and i want to practice my spanish with a native spanish person

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im 15 years old and i want to practice my spanish with a native spanish person
Hello my name is alyssa. I am 15 and in 9th grade and in Spanish level 3. I would love to practice my spanish with someone who would like to practice their english. I live in the united states. if you would like to talk, let me know



Language pair: English; Spanish
April 4, 2006

Hello Alyssa. I am willing to help you with your Spanish.
Let me introduce my self. I am Alfredo Angel from Veracruz, Mexico. I am a 37 years old man with two kids. I am improving my English skills. If you want I would like to teach you.

May be you can write me or add me on ya_ h* oo or _M*S_ N. I am aangel6907. If you are interested please write me soon.


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 74873

April 5, 2006


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