Jokes - Wanna learn Croatian? - Language Exchange

Category: Jokes
Discussion: Wanna learn Croatian?

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Wanna learn Croatian?
Hello everyone!
I am Yellena from Croatia and if you wanna learn Croatian I can teach you....
I AM WAITING FOR YOUR E- MAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Language pair: Spanish; Swedish

April 7, 2006

Re:Wanna learn Croatian?
Bok Jelena! I have been trying to learn Croatian since last summer when I was there and in july I will be back, this time to stay with a family in Istria, so i need to improve my language to be able to talk to them better. Any help you can give me would be great! I know some French and German, and can speak a little Swedish, Italian , Polish and Russian. If theres anything I can help you with- just ask!
Hvala vam puno
Vidimo se

Language pair: Spanish; Swedish
This is a reply to message # 75049
April 18, 2006

Re:Wanna learn Croatian?
Bok Jelena! I have been trying to learn Croatian since last summer when I was there and in july I will be back, this time to stay with a family in Istria, so i need to improve my language to be able to talk to them better. Any help you can give me would be great! I know some French and German, and can speak a little Swedish, Italian , Polish and Russian. If theres anything I can help you with- just ask!
Hvala vam puno
Vidimo se

Language pair: Spanish; Swedish
This is a reply to message # 75049
April 18, 2006


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