Seeking Partners - whola - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: whola

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Hey! Que tal todo?

Want to improve your Spanish?
yo estoy estudiando Deutsch in college my semester just ended, but to be honest i dint really learned much, well i wasnt really motivated :S you know its not the same learning from books and teachers than actually trying to have conversations in the language.

so if anyone wants to practice their Spanish, we can have conversations via Skype or msn msger if you know German that would be great, but its not necesary. ill be happy to help anyone with my native language =OP

Ok nos vemos

Language pair: Spanish; All
Manuel Enrique
May 15, 2006

Hi, my name is Lucy and i'm 17. i'm learning spanish at school but i'm not that good and i would love to practice and get better if you wouldn't mind helping me? That would be great!
Thanks a lot,

Language pair: Spanish; All
This is a reply to message # 77117
May 16, 2006

Heya dude,
im an aussie guy looking to find out more about my spanish roots and so first things first is i need to get a holding of the language i'd help u with ur english but that seems pretty good. lol. anyways hit us back, peace

Language pair: Spanish; All
This is a reply to message # 77117
May 16, 2006

Que pasa :s i had already replied but warr awwrgh argahg and more pirate sounds! i dont get why they never show

i hope this time it works :(

Ill be please to help you guys =)
my s ss kk yyy pee is manuelenriquerm all together my name and rm at the end :) i hope this dosnt gets block or something.

ok have a great day and wooo finally vacations!!!!!!!1 =D!

Language pair: Spanish; All
This is a reply to message # 77117
Manuel Enrique
May 19, 2006


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