New Member - Wishing to correspond in French and English - Language Exchange

Category: New Member
Discussion: Wishing to correspond in French and English

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# Message Posted By
Wishing to correspond in French and English

Je voudrais practiquer mon francais avec vous! J'habite aux etats-unis and j'aime la langue francais. C'est tres, tres belle. J'apprend la langue francais maintenant moi-meme. Si vous voulez,
je peux practiquer l'anglais avec vous. Repondez bientot. Au revoir.


I would like to practice my French with you. I live in the United States and I love the French language. It is so beautiful. I study French on my own now. If you wish, I can practice English with you. Respond soon!

Language pair: English; French
June 11, 2006


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