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78729 |
I search for an English correspondent
I'm a french who would like to progress in english.I could teach you French.I like horses, tv show, movies, book,Hike, full of thing.
Language pair: French; English
79044 |
Re:I search for an English correspondent
Hello Julie I can help you learn English. I am Canadian but I don't speak much French, I would like to learn it as it is the second language of Canada. Write back in this forum is you're interested.
Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 78729
79163 |
Re:I search for an English correspondent
Bonjour, Julie,
J'apprend le francais maintenant. Je vous aide dans l'anglais. Repondez bientot. Au revoir!
Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 78729
79201 |
Re:Re:I search for an English correspondent
it's ok Sean but i'm not a gold member and you?
Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 79044
79202 |
Re:Re:I search for an English correspondent
Hi Denise your french is good. I'm agree but i'm not a gold member and you?
Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 79163
79455 |
Re:Re:Re:I search for an English correspondent
Bonjour, Julie,
Je ne suis pas une membre d'or. Merci, beaucoup pour votre correspondance. Maintenant je cherche pour un professeur de francais pour moi-meme aux etats-unis. C'est difficile ecrire dans une langue etrange, n'est-ce pas? J'espere que vous me comprenez. Ecrivez bientot!
Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 79202
79499 |
Re:Re:Re:I search for an English correspondent
I Julie and Denise...I thought I would write here to you both. I am an American female, 39 yrs old with two children, girl 8 and a son, 16 months. I just completed my MBA in international business and love to practice speaking and writing French. Ma parle francais et ecrite est pas mal, mais je suis etudie! Je suis amore parle francais. I can really help with speaking and writing English if you could help me with my french. Would be interested in voice chat and online chat. I am also not a gold member. So please contact me. My interests other than ma famile est running, music, playing blues guitar, and yoga! I also love chevaux. I used to ride dressage before m'enfants arrive...je regret pour ma pas mal ecrite en francais...write back soon!!
Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 79202
79591 |
Re:Re:Re:Re:I search for an English correspondent
Bonjour, Helen,
J'aime la langue francais aussi. J'apprend maintenant moi-meme et quelque fois avec un prof de francais. J'ai etudie irregulaire pendant plusiers ans. Je ne suis pas francais, mais si vous voulez, je peux ecrire un peu en francais.
hey, Helen,
Thanks for your message. I have studied French for many years with different French tutors and on my own. It is my passion. I have always loved the French language. Since I started at a late age, it is not automatic for me. I really get confused with the tenses. Anyway, if you'd like to practice, I would be happy to correspond with you. Sincerely, Denise
Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 79499
79972 |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:I search for an English correspondent
Bonjour Denise,
Je regret ma ecrive est pas mal!!....C'est tres difficile pour moi. mais, J'etudie!...nous pouvons ecrive ici au anotre board? vous voulez choiser?
Hi Denise, I'm sorry my writing is so bad!...It is very difficult for me (right now!)...but I'm studying! We can write here or on another board. Would you like to choose? a bientot!
Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 79591
80106 |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:I search for an English correspondent
Bonjour, Helen,
Merci beaucoup pour votre response. J'apprend le francais maintenant aussi. Actualment, j'ai eu ma lecon de francais aujourd'hui. J'ai un prof de francais. Elle m'enseigne chez moi. Elle est un bonne prof et une bonne amie aussi. Nous nous amusons pendant nos lecons de francais. J'ai un lecon chaque mois pour deux heures.
Quand vous avez le temps, ecrivez moi. Je suis serieuse au sujet de apprendre le francais, alors, je repondrais de tous vos messages. Au revoir.
Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 79972