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80760 |
spanish for english
hi,i' m Elvira, I 'm from madrid, I' m looking for someone to practice english, i can help you with spanish.
Language pair: English; Spanish
80813 |
Re:spanish for english
HI Elvira
I'am a 46 year old male from England who would love to learn Spanish I have a very poor grasp of your lancuage so I would aprreciate your help.
tiene qurenta y seis anos. soy hombre de ingletera, vive Liverpool y quiro aprender espanol.
I hope you can understand my poor grasp of your idioma.
Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 80760
80903 |
Re:spanish for english
Hi Elvira, I live in California - I've lived here for 10 years. Originally I'm from the Ukraine. I'm fluent in English and Russian. Me gustaria practicar Espanol porque me gusta mucho su idioma! Please write me back and then we can try to exchange contact information. -Tanya
Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 80760
80951 |
Re:spanish for english
yeah I know english well, I can help with it. Yes I do want to learn spanish! I know a little more than the average american in spanish.
Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 80760