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Films/Movies - yesterday,I saw Superman returns - Language Exchange

Category: Films/Movies
Discussion: yesterday,I saw Superman returns

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yesterday,I saw Superman returns
This film is anaglyph.
I saw superman save the falling airplane,and face to machine gun.
It is good in visual effect but screenplay is soso.

I like "Terminator 2" and "The Matrix" best.
I like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And Neo hit numerous Smith is highlight.

Language pair: English; All
August 3, 2006

Re:yesterday,I saw Superman returns
Hi Falcon,

yes, I'm looking forward to seeing Superman returns. I'm a sucker for all of these silly special effects extravaganzas.

So how do you mean that the movie is an Anaglyph? Can you explain without giving away the story?

I don't like Schwarzenegger at all; I don't think he acts very well at all. But I have to admit that I enjoyed watching all of the Terminator movies. And the Matrix movies, too. I have been enjoying X-Men a lot also. I haven't seen the third one yet, though.

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 84353

August 3, 2006


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