83259 |
Help translating Italian spice can labels: Seasoning for grilling
Here is the second of the two spice labels I am translating from the Italian. Once again, any corrections from fluent Italian-speakers will be very much appreciated. Thank you!
Italian / English Giusti Aromi per Grigliate / Fresh- essences for grilling
La Cucina Facile e Buona di Dody Giusti Aromi per Grigliate Consiglio questi “Giusti Aromi” per salare ed insaporire carne e pesce ala griglia. Ottimi anche per spiedini ed arrosti girati. / Dody’s easy and excellent kitchen -- Fresh essences for grilling I recommend these fresh essences for salting and seasoning grilled meat and fish. Ideal also for kebabs and spitted roasts.
Ingredienti: Sale, Prezzemolo, Rosmarino, Dragoncello, Finocchio, Pepe nero, Aglio, Antiagglomerante: carbonato di calcio (nel sale). / Ingredients: Salt, parsley, rosemary:, tarragon, fennel, black pepper, garlic, anticaking agent: carbonate of calcium (in the salt).
Igiustiaromi devonoessere usati al posto del normale sale da cuciina. Son una miscela di sale superiore da tavola e pure erbe aromatiche macinate finemente che gli conferiscono il colore e il sapore caratteristico. Si consuiglia di tenere in luogo asciutto e di rimuovere il prodotto prima dell’uso. da consumarsi pref. entro il 1996 / Giusti Aromi can be used in place of normal kitchen salt. It is a mixture of premium quality table salt and finely ground pure aromatic herbs that give it its characteristic color and flavor. Keep in a dry place and remove the product before use. (??)
Best if used by 1996 Confezionato da: Drogheria & Alimentari Manufactured by: Drogheria & Alimentari Stabilimento in Prato (FI) via fonda di mezzana 15 Manufactured in Prato (FI) via fonda di mezzana 15 Peso netto: 90g Net Weight: 90g
Language pair: Italian; English
84910 |
Re:Help translating Italian spice can labels: Seasoning for grilling
Hi, guy I'm an Italian fluent speaker.Your translation is very good(is it copied ?)... Only some errors of writing:"consiglia" and the words at the beginning are not divided, I mean they aren't written with the right spaces.If you're interested to Italian-English exchange..I'm just looking for partners...not a GM,too.
Language pair: Italian; English
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