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84236 |
Comics or books?
Hi guys! You all are so amazing!!! Sometimes I have the impression that is nobody who still reads books!!!--- Especially in my brother's class... They are so lazy! Well, books can be very boring. I had to read many! Mangas are very funny, that's my sense of humour. I read many mangas but I would like to know funny books too, even if I would say that Mangas are books too but it is no "reading" in a real way... For describing my sense of humour, I think I should enumerate some movies I like, maybe you understand it better: I like sarcastic things like in "The club of the devils" (with Goldie Horn, Bette Midler, Diane Keaton) and I also like funny telling about simple things in the life, like in "Auberge espagnole". Does it help?
If someone has good ideas... Your Kaktusqueen
Language pair: English; French
84352 |
Re:Comics or books?
Hi Kactusqueen,
Have you read "Everything Is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer? My girlfriend Judy and I are reading it together, and we are laughing so hard our sides are splitting.
For those of us learning language, it gives us an opportunity to laugh at ourselves, because the character who narrates the story struggles with English, and a lot of the humor lies there. On the other hand, for those out there just learning English, it may be very confusing because a lot of the English in the book is very bad on purpose. If you are interested, you can read an excerpt from the book on the Houghton-Mifflin publisher's web site.
Fröhe lesen! Mark Sacramento / USA
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 84236
84955 |
Re:Re:Comics or books?
"Everything Is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer? I'll check it out as well. I dunno what kinda humour it is but I'm a fan of Jhonen Vasquez's comics. Some of them are very weird and twisted but one that had me in stiches was Squee's Wonderful Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors. Its so funny!!
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 84352
85042 |
Re:Re:Comics or books?
Thanks for your tips, Mark! Your Kaktusqueen P.S.: Frohes Lesen too...!
Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 84352
85064 |
Jonathan Safran Foer
well...i know the message wasnt for me but i just wanted to say that i love love jonathan safran foer! he makes the saddest topics funny...but anyway..if you liked everything is illuminated you WILL LOVE extremely loud and incredibly close (he wrote that too) it was great
i also love ray bradbury...he's the shiznit
much love julie
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 84352
85199 |
Re:Jonathan Safran Foer
Well, these aren't private conversations Julie. I'm delighted you felt free to jump in.
I agree; Bradbury is definately the shiznit, as you say. I spent a time voraciously reading every book with his name on it. What did you think of Dandelion Wine? I loved Farenheit 451, the Martian Chronicles, the Illustrated Man was my very favorite. Now i have a brother who never read the book, but is well on his way to making the character a reality.
Which are your favorites? Have you read any Pournelle or Niven?
Welcome! (Or should I say, "bienvenue"?
Mark Sacramento, CA USA
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 85064
85612 |
Re:Re:Jonathan Safran Foer
i can't say that i have ever read pournelle or niven...but i have just started reading dandelion wine...i like it so far, although i dont have a lot of time for reading right now...
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 85199
85710 |
Re:Re:Re:Jonathan Safran Foer
Well, let us know how you liked it when you finish.
Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 85612