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87276 |
Do u speak English, Spanish, French or Portuguese?
Hey everybody. I am Katrin from Germany. I look for new friends, i can improve my english and french with. I´d also like to find somebody who can teach me spansih(i only speak a little little bit) and i´d like to learn portuguese (i don´t even speak a word)!
So if you think i search you, answer as fast as you can ;)
Language pair: English; German
87327 |
Re:Do u speak English, Spanish, French or Portuguese?
Hi Katrin, I am learning german, know little french and mother tongue spanish, I would like to practice with you. Let me know if you're interested. I am a palominanegra ¡) and hotmail.
Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 87276
87347 |
i want to improve my german
Hello I would like to improve my german and make friends from Germany as I will going to live in Germany from next year on.I would appreciate if u could help me
Language pair: Romanian; English
This is a reply to message # 87276
87491 |
Re:i want to improve my german
Hi Emilia!
I'm coming from Austria. I can help you with German if you like!
Language pair: Romanian; English
This is a reply to message # 87347
87521 |
Re:Re:Do u speak English, Spanish, French or Portuguese?
Hey Adriana... I´m sorry but i didn´t understand your massage... what does palominanegra mean?
Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 87327
87522 |
Re:i want to improve my german
Hi emilia morandi! Of course i can help you! do you have msn?
Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 87347
87613 |
Re:Do u speak English, Spanish, French or Portuguese?
Hi, French is my native language, Portuguese is one of my blood languages (so is German that I don't speak and would like to). So, I help you in french and Portuguese and you help me in German. Right?
Language pair: French; Portuguese
This is a reply to message # 87276
87614 |
Re:Re:Do u speak English, Spanish, French or Portuguese?
Hi, French is my native language, Portuguese is one of my blood languages (so is German that I don't speak and would like to). So, I help you in french and Portuguese and you help me in German. Right?
Language pair: French; Hindi
This is a reply to message # 87327
87669 |
Re:Re:Re:Do u speak English, Spanish, French or Portuguese?
Well, palomina negra is my email. Sorry I didnt explain, however if you are interested just send me an email to hotmail accnt.
Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 87521
87710 |
Re:Re:Re:Do u speak English, Spanish, French or Portuguese?
Hi Patrick!
Would like to help you with german. I come from Austria and speaks also english and a little bit spanish (but really only a LITTLE bit). Find it nice to hear about you.
Lg raphaela
Language pair: French; Hindi
This is a reply to message # 87614
87716 |
Re:Re:Re:Do u speak English, Spanish, French or Portuguese?
Hey Patrick... so if you want to you can write an email to me! gelli1990 @ hotmail . com
Language pair: French; Hindi
This is a reply to message # 87614
87826 |
Re:Re:Re:Re:Do u speak English, Spanish, French or Portuguese?
Ok... i´m sorry it´s not hotmail.com but hotmail.de
Language pair: French; Hindi
This is a reply to message # 87716