88489 |
Spanish/English Exchange
Hi, Everybody!...¡Hola a todos!...
If you're looking for someone to practice your English with, I would like to help you...
O, si te interesa aprender o practicar Español, también me agradaría ayudarte...
What you have to do is contacting me...
Si de verdad queieres perfeccionar tu Español, por favor avísame!...
Language pair: Spanish; English
89374 |
Re:Spanish/English Exchange
Hi, Yuliana!
I´m Toñi. I´m Spanish. I need to improve my English. Do you want to help me? Moreover, I would like to make new friends and I think that this is a good way to try it.
Ah, I am not a gold member and I do not know how this works.
Thank you. Best wishes.
Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 88489