Seeking Partners - I need help with German - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: I need help with German

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I need help with German
I would like to find a pen pal to learn German and if you need help with these other languages like English, Spanish,and Italian
I can help you too!

Vorrei impare il tedesco. Se tu lo sai e vuoi scambiare e-mails per favore scrivimi. Se vuoi te posso aiutare con l'inglese o lo spagnolo ciaooooo apresto!

Language pair: German; All
September 23, 2006

Re:I need help with German
I would like to help you with your German. I live in Austria and speak German as a first Language. Can you help me with English.Please contact me

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 89863

September 27, 2006

Re:Re:I need help with German
Hello Elizabeth sorry I'm not a member so contact not sure how to do it.
If you have an Idea let me know.
I would like to know if you know of any songs in germen would like to look them up to see if I can find them and listen to them that might help me a bit.
TY = thank you

Language pair: German; English
This is a reply to message # 90163
September 30, 2006


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