New Member - language will be fun learning it with you guys. - Language Exchange

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Discussion: language will be fun learning it with you guys.

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language will be fun learning it with you guys.
hi im a filipina girl who loves to be all over the world,and try different cuisine experience cultures in different places most of all learning language. english is my 2nd dialect i il like to learn and teach at the same timeso i hope there would be someone who iswilling to exert effort on teaching me. see yeah just reply to my msg

Language pair: French; Arabic, Middle Eastern
karen antoniette

October 17, 2006

Re:language will be fun learning it with you guys.
Hi interesting lady, I`from the coast north of Peru. Iwould like to practice my english wth you and teach you in exchange Spanish, because I like very much the languages and teach Spanish to a Children in my city - Trujillo - If you want write to begin a beautiful friendship. ok

Language pair: French; Arabic, Middle Eastern
This is a reply to message # 91691
October 19, 2006


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