91795 |
I am want to learn how to speak Russian badly; I speak English (U.S.)
Hello, I an American that hopes to move to Russia within the next two years, after graduation. The time is upon me to learn the language, culture, and customs.I can and will teach you how tospeak and write english. I will teach you from my college books, about adverbs adjective prepositional phase, and all those neat little things that make our languge flow so fluidly. I look forwards hearing from you soon. Until then, be safe, b courtious, and have a blessed day.
Language pair: Russian; Ukrainian
94363 |
Re:I am want to learn how to speak Russian badly; I speak English (U.S.)
David, Hi from Russia! Privet iz Rossii! I`ll help to learn Russian with pleasure and hope to improve my English with you. S udovolstviem pomogu Vam /tebe utchit russki yayzyk i nadeus na vashu/tvou pomotsh v usovershenstvovanii moego angliyskogo. Lesson 1 :-) How do you prefer I address to you in Russian as ty or Vy? ty (2d person, singular)and Vy (2d person,plural) are personal pronouns. In Russia you can address Ty only to your friends and relatives. Vy is a more polite formula of address.
PS I`m not a Gold member. Please, correct my English mistake in your reply.
Language pair: Russian; Ukrainian
This is a reply to message # 91795