Internet Technology - Online newspapers. Encyclopedias. Search engines. Etc. - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Online newspapers. Encyclopedias. Search engines. Etc.

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Online newspapers. Encyclopedias. Search engines. Etc.
One thing that I do to expose myself to everyday uses of a foreign language (Italian and Spanish, in my case) is to look up newspapers in the foreign language that I want to learn. There are newspapers online in both Italian and Spanish, and I can read about current events while learning. One good thing about foreign language newspapers is that you can read world stories and already know the gist, so you learn more quickly. Or, you can read localized news and learn about another country and culture while also learning a language.

There are well known online encyclopedias (some written by web surfers, some by companies) that are searchable. These encyclopedias and search engines have versions in various languages. Bookmark the main page of the language you are learning, and you can look up articles in that language. You can look up familiar topics to learn quickly (by comparing words to what you already know), or you can look up new topics for more challenge. Either way, you are exposed to a variety of writing styles, and you increase your vocabulary!

In fact, most major online sources of news, shopping, facts, etc, have a variety of language choices. Find the one(s) you're wanting to learn!

Language pair: Italian; Spanish

December 11, 2006


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