Hangman Game Feedback Discussion

when you are totaly drunk you say
eimai tufla

Message by Comments
Stephania N.
(native speaker)
Msg # 69647
Rating: 0 May 8, 2007
someone who doesn't speak greek can't read ei=i and ai=e and u=i, so eimai tufla doesn't help him, you should write "ime tifla"

María M.
Msg # 120406
Reply to Msg # 69647
Rating: 0 March 30, 2011
Thank you very much Stephania. Your explanation it´s perfect for the one´s whom are (me too) learning to read and pronounce your beautiful language. I´m María, from
spain, and need to learn greek, if you want help for learning spanish i´ll be very pleasant to chat or send mail. Good night.


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