Hangman Games by Member : Soumaya

Short Description of Soumaya
Native Language(s):
Arabic, other
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Tunisia
Description: Hallo, ich bin Soumaya aus Tunesien. Ich möchte meine Deutschkenntnisse verbessern besonders das Sprechen. I am a native speaker of arabic. It will be my pleasure to help you not only with your classical arabic but also with tunisian dialect and other arabic dialects as well. French is almost a native language to me :p . I'll be happy to help with both. PS1 : NOT A GOLD MEMBER , I CANNOT INITIATE CONTACT SO IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE DO !( and thank you for your Hi's :-)) PS2 : I have a probleme with my microphone so unfortuantely no voice chat for now . I'll try to fix it. Bis bald

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Arabic, other - Others - Body / Health / Senses September 2, 2016
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