Hangman Games by Member : Seanny

Short Description of Seanny
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Cantonese
Chinese, other
Country: United States
Description: Hiya! My name's Sean. I'm an average long blond haired 23 year old kid living in the United States. I'm a huge fan of manga & anime, with my favorite artist being Akira Toriyama. Jackie Chan is among my favorite movie stars along with Sylvester Stallone. Rocky Balboa is my childhood hero. I would really like to learn Japanese or Chinese, (actually I'd like to learn BOTH! ^_^) I really want to be able to learn at least one of the languages in case I ever achieve a personal goal to move to Hong Kong or Tokyo. Don't be afraid to email me. I am very friendly and would love to talk. ^_^

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Seanny's newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
The greatest boxer who never lived
_o _ _ _   _ _l _ _ _
English Famous Names or Titles Sports January 24, 2008
1 votes

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