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Hangman Games by Member : Conny

Short Description of Conny
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Germany
Description: Hey there! It is quite long ago I've been active on this page, but I thought I could check it out again. My name is Conny and I just turned 20y. I would like to 'meet' some new Norwegian people here just to keep practicing my language skills! There is a lot of things we can talk about as I'm interested in a lot. I lived in Bodø for seven months but as that is quite a while ago I would be happy to find nice human beings to stay in contact with ;) A while ago I tried to learn some Russian, maybe someone would want to help me get back to it as well! Thanks for reading ;) Ps: I am not a goldmember so don't hesitate and just contact me :D

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Violinist, singer, songwriter..
_ _e _ _ _ _ _ _   _y _ _k
Norwegian Famous Name or Title Music January 19, 2014
1 votes

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