Hangman Games by Member : Brendan

Short Description of Brendan
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: France
Description: Bonjour, je suis un jeune parisien qui ne souhaite qu'appendre et partager, n'hésitez pas à me contacter. Hola, soy un joven de Paris a quien le gustan aprender y compartir, no vacilad. Hi, I'm just a young parisian who want to learn and share, do not hesitate to contact me. おはよ、僕はパリ人。日本語を学習する。でも難しいですね。

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Brendan's most popular games:

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When you'd better not stay outside
_o _ne _r _

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French Popular Expressions Nature March 29, 2012
1 votes

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