Hangman Games by Member : pefi m.

Short Description of pefi m.
Native Language(s):
Indonesian (Bahasa)
Practicinig Language(s):
Arabic, Egyptian
Country: Indonesia
Description: hello, i'm pefi from Indonesia. It's my first time in here. And i'm really interested on languages exchange esp. English,Esperanto, and Arabic. Why do I learn them? Firstable, English is one of international language and I use it in my school so i wanna be fluent in English, next Esperanto is one of international language and it doesn't belong to a country. They said that Esperanto is easy to learn so that's why i'm interested in Esperanto. And how about Arabic? Arabic is my religion language, Islam and I must learn it as a muslem. And the important one is I have an Arabic class in my school and i have to be an expert on it

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It's a common intoduction in Indonesia
_ela _ _t   p _g _
Indonesian (Bahasa) Popular Expressions People September 28, 2012
7 votes

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