Hangman Games by Member : Celine

Short Description of Celine
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: France
Description: Hello!I'm Céline,I'm 36 years old,I work in Toulouse(south west of France).Do you know this town? I can help you to improve your french,and I hope you could help me to improve my english. Hola!Me llamo Céline,tengo 36 anos,vivo en el sur oeste de Francia en Toulouse.Conoces esta ciudad? Trabajo en Ecologia,Bioestadisticas.Puedo ayudarte en frances,sera un placer! Buongiorno!Come sta? Sono francese e mi chiamo Céline,ho 36 anni.Comincio l'italiano...

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Celine's most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
When you lose a friend you'll find another friend
U _   d _   p _ _ _u,   d _ _   d _   r _ _ _ _ _ _ _s

3 related games: view
French Popular Expressions Family / Relatives April 25, 2007
13 votes
Une chose qui s'est produite deux fois se produira une troisième. A thing which occurred twice will occur third time
J _ _ _ _ _   d _ _x   s _ _ _   t _ _ _ _

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French Proverbs Success / Happiness April 25, 2007
14 votes
When you lose consciousness
T _ _ _ _r   d _ _s   l _s   p _ _ _ _s
French Popular Expressions Body / Health / Senses April 25, 2007
8 votes

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