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Hangman Games by Member : sylvia y.

Short Description of sylvia y.
Native Language(s):
Cambodian (Khmer)
Practicinig Language(s):
Cambodian (Khmer)
Country: United States
Description: my name is sylvia and i'm 15,i'm khmer i like dancing and having fun! i love to hang out with my friends! my friends r great of my culture and they respect that. i'm so happy they're there 4 me and they always have my back! Me and my family we love to sing in khmer even thou most of us don't most like to do it anyways! i juz love my culture and

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Cambodian (Khmer) - Other - Making Love / Sex March 13, 2007
1 votes
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Cambodian (Khmer) - Other - Family / Relatives March 14, 2007
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