Hangman Games by Member : zuri i.

Short Description of zuri i.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Spain
Description: hola a todos, este verano estuve de vacaciones por las tierras vascas y me quede maravillada de todo, ambiente, comida... me gustaria aprender a hablar euskera para defenderme cuando vuelva a visitar esta zona, que sera muy pronto, seguro...

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zuri i.'s most popular games:

Click on a title to play the game. Sort games by Date 
Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
como se dice 'labio'
e _ _ _i _ _
Basque - Others - Body / Health / Senses October 17, 2007
1 votes
como se dice ' corazon'
b _ _ _t _ _
Basque - Others - Body / Health / Senses October 17, 2007
1 votes
como se dice ' espalda'
_i _ _ _ _ _a
Basque - Others - Body / Health / Senses October 17, 2007
1 votes

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