Hangman Games by Member : Bianca

Short Description of Bianca
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: United States
Description: My name Bianca. im under 18yrs old, so i hope i can have a language exchange with someone close to my age i prefer someone of the Japanese nationality to have a language exchange with. I am interested in Shopping ,Drawing ,Reading, Fashion ,meeting people ,and Having fun. I also hope to meet someone with similar intrests as me.

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Bianca's newest games:

Click on a title to play the game. Sort games by Rating 
Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Haruhi and Takashi
_ _ran   _i _ _   _ _ _oo _   _ _s _   C _ _ _
Japanese - Others - - Other - June 9, 2009
3 votes
Well known Artist in Japan
_ _ _ _ _
Japanese Famous Names or Titles Music June 9, 2009
10 votes

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