Hangman Games by Member : Nina N.

Short Description of Nina N.
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Norway
Description: I'm a 16 year old Norwegian girl, trying to learn both Icelandic and Spanish. I'm interested in dancing, music, writing, learning, and a lot more! Spanish: I would like to have contact with someone who speak spanish, that way I can learn easy things. I'm a schoolsstudent, and I've got spanish as one of my classes. Icelandic: I don't know why really, I just fell in love with the language when I heard one of my teachers speak it. I've got Icelandic neighbours, and understand very much. The problem is that I can't speak/write it, so I would like a penpal or someone to chat with in Icelandic.

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What do you say to people in Christmas time?
_ _ _   _ _ _
Norwegian Popular Expressions Holidays / Travel December 22, 2009
6 votes

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