Hangman Games by Member : Luisa G.

Short Description of Luisa G.
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: United States
Description: My name is Luisa, or you can call me LuLu. I really LOVE the japanese language and i would like someone to practice with. I really would like to become a Teacher in Japan and teach English and Spanish, but I would like to know the language fluently. I`m learning japanese by myself, but i would like to try having a conversations in japanese. I know English, French, Spanish and I`m currently learning Italian and Korean.

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Luisa G.'s newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
When you call someone you say this after they say 'Hai' or
_ _ _ _i   M _ _ _ _
Japanese Popular Expressions - Other - December 24, 2009
32 votes
What to put on a toasted bread?
B _tt _ _

2 related games: view
English - Others - Food / Drink December 24, 2009
19 votes

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