Hangman Games by Member : Noemi

Short Description of Noemi
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Germany
Description: Hi, I am a hungarian woman and I studied economy. My mother tongue is Hungarian and my German is very good. I moved for 3 years to work to Germany. I would like to practice primarily English. I learned 4 years Russian at the school. Unfourtunately, I have already almost forgotten everything. I would like study Russian again, too. My hobbies are my garden, books, music/art, biking, skiing/windsurfing. I like to teach Hungarian :)

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Noemi's newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Which Hungarian town is European Capital of Culture 2010?
_ _c _
Hungarian Famous Names or Titles Places April 6, 2010
3 votes
A car is a '_ e _ _ _'.
_e _ _ _
Hungarian Popular Expressions Coming and Going April 6, 2010
2 votes

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