Hangman Games by Member : Laura

Short Description of Laura
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Country: Germany
Description: Hi ich heiße Laura! Ich bin 14 und komme aus Bayern (Deutschland). Ich spiel seit 5 Jahren Gitarre und höre auch gern Musik z.B.: Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Snow Patrol, Scouting For Girls,... Ich möchte Englisch lernen, weil ich Englisch cool find. Ich kann auch bei Problemen in Deutsch helfen. Hi my name is Laura! I am 14 and I´m from Bavaria (Germany). I play guitar for 5 years and also like listen to music for example: Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Snow Patrol, Scouting For Girls,… I want to learn English because English is cool. I also can help you when you like too learn german. Smile - and the world smiles with you.

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Laura's newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
A famous german rock band is...
_ _o _ _i _ _ _
German Famous Names or Titles Music June 13, 2010
9 votes
A famous german rock band is...
_ _o _ _i _ _ _
German Famous Names or Titles Music June 13, 2010
0 votes

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