Hangman Games by Member : Janet

Short Description of Janet
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Norway
Description: Ciao! Ci sono 8 anni che non parlo l'italiano...ed ho paura di dimenticare la lingua, c'è alcuno che mi può aiutare? Jeg kan også hjelpe til med norsk!

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Janet's newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Someone who is scared...
_ _r _ _k _la _ _n

13 related games: view
Norwegian Popular Expressions Emotions January 17, 2004
26 votes
Where are you from?
_v _r   e _   _ _   f _ _?

11 related games: view
Norwegian Popular Expressions Places January 17, 2004
19 votes

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