Hangman Games by Member : Karo L.

Short Description of Karo L.
Native Language(s):
Indonesian (Bahasa)
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Mandarin
Country: Indonesia
Description: Hi, i'm Karo Lina....i come from Indonesia but i have ever lived in Singapore. I enjoy cooking, dancing, art, music, language, and cultural exchange. I want to have a lot of friends from around the world. nice to meet you all!

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Karo L.'s newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Setelah menerima sesuatu dari orang lain, kamu katakan...
_e _ima   _asi _
Indonesian (Bahasa) Popular Expressions People January 14, 2011
2 votes
Besar pasak daripada tiang, artinya
_e _ar   _e _ge _uara _   _ari _a _a   _en _a _ata _
Indonesian (Bahasa) Proverbs Money January 14, 2011
1 votes

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