Hangman Games by Member : dewi m.

Short Description of dewi m.
Native Language(s):
Indonesian (Bahasa)
Practicinig Language(s):
Indonesian (Bahasa)
Country: Indonesia
Description: hello im from Indonesia, on this site i just want to improve my english , because i want to be able to understand this language , in my country english is not mother language, so hard to find the person who wants to talk with english , so if you are be able to english ,just talk to me and enjoy to be friend, i also can teach you indonesian language. bahasa merupakan jembatan komunikasi untuk berkomunikasi, bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa yang umum dipakai di banyak negara saya ingin saya menguasai bahasa ini , saya juga akan membantu orang yang ingin belajar bahasa indonesia

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this food made from rice
n _ _ _-g _ _e _ _
Indonesian (Bahasa) Famous Names or Titles Food / Drink September 10, 2011
1 votes

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