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Hangman Games by Member : Azeria L.

Short Description of Azeria L.
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Country: United States
Description: Hi i want to learn Japanese because i want to go to Japan and be a manga artist for Shonen Jump. I love to draw and read Shonen. i like to watch anime. And i love ramen and japan. But most of all i want to have a manga as cool as Misashi Kishimoto's.I'm really good at learning and love the Japanese culture. I would love to help you learn English and i am looking forward to teaching someone English!!!

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Awesome Manga charactors in Shonen Jump
Ga _r _   _nd   k _b _,   Sh _nj _   _nd   h _y _ri
Japanese - Other - Play / Fun / Entertainment April 8, 2012
3 votes

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