Hangman Games by Member : Abhie

Short Description of Abhie
Native Language(s):
Filipino (Tagalog)
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Philippines
Description: Hello everyone! My name is Abhie and I am from the Philippines. I would like to learn both Japanese and Korean language because they sound so interesting. And also, I am planning to teach English soon, so if you have any question about the language, don't hesitate to ask. That would be a good practice for me so I am very much willing to accommodate every single query. I'm not a gold member so please feel free to message me. :)

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Abhie's newest games:

Click on a title to play the game. Sort games by Rating 
Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Japanese Drama
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Japanese Famous Names or Titles Movies / Films October 19, 2012
2 votes
A bi-lingual Japanese artist
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Japanese Famous Names or Titles Music October 11, 2012
3 votes

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