Hangman Games by Member : Amelia L.

Short Description of Amelia L.
Native Language(s):
Indonesian (Bahasa)
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Mandarin
Country: Indonesia
Description: Hi I'm Japanese student in my country, I'm interested in Japanese linguistic. I want to increase my japanese language skill, so let's practise each other. . I'm interested in chinese language too.

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Amelia L.'s newest games:

Click on a title to play the game. Sort games by Rating 
Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
when you are soo hungry, your stomach is
_ _ _o- _ _ _o   suru
Japanese - Others - Emotions October 9, 2004
11 votes
someone who is not call men or woman
_ _ _m _
Japanese - Others - People October 9, 2004
0 votes

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