Hangman Games by Member : Nando S.

Short Description of Nando S.
Native Language(s):
Indonesian (Bahasa)
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Indonesia
Description: Hello, I'm a 27 years old looking for friends to learn Russian/Kazakh/Japanese~ Yes I'm anime nerd and otaku but also like to hear the world outside the border too! feel free to contact me however you like, and I could help you too if you want to learn English or Bahasa Indonesia :) I am also looking to find someone in Astana to help me with finding someone there, someone dear to me...so if you are willing to help me, I will be forever grateful...hook me up if you need more details or just curious, I like talking to new people but can be quite busy sometimes so gimme a call! :D

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
makanan terenak diseluruh dunia! *-*
_ _ _o _ _ _
Indonesian (Bahasa) - Others - Food / Drink March 12, 2017
0 votes

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