Hangman Games by Member : Jessica F.

Short Description of Jessica F.
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: United States
Description: Hi! I'm Jessica. I'm trying to learn Japanese, but I'll talk with you no matter what country or language you speak! ^^ My current obsession is Kingdom Hearts. I live, speak, and act through it. (You know what I mean.) I'm an otaku. I love all anime(except Naruto -.-') and I read all kinds of manga. I play video games and I cosplay, too! Hey, we can learn different languages together! Larxene is my favorite character right now. xD I love her!! She's so funny! (no, seriously!)

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Jessica F.'s newest games:

Click on a title to play the game. Sort games by Rating 
Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
A famous Amerime
_v _ _ _ _:   _h _   _ _ _ _   _ _ _b _ _d _ _
English Famous Names or Titles Play / Fun / Entertainment May 24, 2006
0 votes
Sesshomaru is...
_ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _

2 related games: view
Japanese Famous Names or Titles Play / Fun / Entertainment May 21, 2006
8 votes

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