Hangman Games by Member : TK

Short Description of TK
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Australia
Description: Hi everyone... Me and my brother are going for a trip in japan for one month and would like to learn more of the language and the best places to visit while we are there.. We used to study japanese awhile back so we understand some of the basics.. We regularly check our emails so we can keep in touch asap.. Ps. We are not gold members...

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Click on a title to play the game. Sort games by Rating 
Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Movie (2003)
_h _   _a _ _   _a _ _ _a _
English Famous Names or Titles Movies / Films February 7, 2007
15 votes
Translate this...
_a _ _ _e _a _ _ _ _e
Japanese Famous Quotes Emotions February 7, 2007
26 votes
tons of people, tons of money
_a _i _ _   _ _a _er
English - Others - Work / Job February 7, 2007
0 votes

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