Hangman Games by Member : Ysabel

Short Description of Ysabel
Native Language(s):
Filipino (Tagalog)
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Mandarin
Country: Philippines
Description: I'm a 23 years old. I am a Filipino, but I live in Singapore. I speak Filipino (Tagalog) and English. I am interested to learn different languages and cultures of different countries. I have lots of interests - business (especially sales and marketing), sports (like taekwondo, tabletennis,and badminton), cartoons, etc. I love watching anime and I learn some Japanese stuffs there. Aside from Filipino and English, I know very little about other languages but I want to learn!

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when something bad happen to someone, and he deserves it
_u _i   _ _a

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Filipino (Tagalog) Popular Expressions Insults / Swearing June 18, 2007
3 votes

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