Hangman Game Feedback

When you lose a friend you'll find another friend
Un de perdu, dix de retrouvés
1. There are many friends in the world
2. You can find ten friends if you lose one
3. There are tow numbers in this expression...
La chose ou la personne perdue, est très facile à remplacer. Se dit pour consoler quelqu'un d'un chagrin d'amour. When you lose someone, a friend, a boy(girl)friend, don't worry, you'll find an another friend, maybe 10! Uno perdido, diez encontrados - Hay muchos peces en el mar - La mancha de una mora con otra verde se quita

French > Popular Expressions > Family / Relatives

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 4.1
# of votes 13
# of Garbage Votes 1
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

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Total found: 13 !
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Reviewer Comments
Rating: 5 December 21, 2007
Rating: 4 November 25, 2007
Keep thinking positive! When you lose a friend, you'll find another!
cherie d.
Rating: 5 September 10, 2007
Instead of "Un de perdu, dix de retrouvés", in English we say "There are plenty more fish in the sea."
Total found: 13 !
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