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trying to get someone to buy something he doesn't need
einem Eskimo einen Kühlschrank verkaufen
1. someone living in the arktis
2. something an eskimo doesn't need.
pretty easily explained. Eskimos are living, where it is cold so they don't need a refrigerator.

German > Popular Expressions > Business / Commerce

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Average Rating 4.7
# of votes 13
# of Garbage Votes 0
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

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Total found: 13 !
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Reviewer Comments
Rating: 4 April 20, 2015
Rating: 5 April 1, 2014
That's a good one, thank you.

Interesting to see we also use the desert for that expression in french. Not the icy frozen one, but rather the sweltering scorchering one.
Instead of "einem Eskimo einen Kühlschrank verkaufen", in French we say "Vendre du sable dans le désert"
Irina I.
Rating: 5 July 18, 2013
Instead of "einem Eskimo einen Kühlschrank verkaufen", in Romanian we say "a vinde castraveţi grădinarului"
Total found: 13 !
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