Hangman Game Feedback

Double meanings
Queres que te chupe?
1. A sexual question - uma pergunta sexual
2. Sounds innocent to those not familiar with portuguese - Para quem nao fala portugues, esta frase aparece inocente
3. sounds like / ouve-se com - Quers Ketchup?
this question means 'do you want to be sucked?' - OR - 'Do you want a blow job' (queres que te chup?) BUT this question sounds like 'Do you want ketchup?' A common joke in brazil:Manuel asks Maria -Queres que te chupe? (sounds like Do you want ketchup)and she answers -Nao, mais tarde (no later) which appears to be No, mustard. (This was taken from The Alternative Portuguese Dictionary)

Portuguese > Popular Expressions > Insults / Swearing

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 4
# of votes 21
# of Garbage Votes 2
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

Individual Ratings and Comments

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Total found: 23 !
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Reviewer Comments
(native speaker)
Rating: 4 November 16, 2003
Rating: 5 November 13, 2003
Thanks! Now I know my first naughty phrase in Portuguese!
Rating: 3 November 4, 2003
Just fine, esta padre.
Instead of "Queres que te chupe?", in Spanish we say "quieres que te la mame?"
Total found: 23 !
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