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And the Oscar goes to...
Nicija zemlja
1. This Bosnian movie won an Oscar in 2002. for The Best Foreign Language Film
2. It is the first work of Danis Tanovic
3. And finally, the title on English is 'No man's land' !
No man's land is a first work of Danis Tanovic, born in 1969. It has collected many awards, such as Oscar for The Best Foreign Language Film 2002, Cannes Film Festival - Best Screenplay 2001, Cesar award - Best first work 2002, French Syndicate of Cinema Critics - Best Foreign Film 2002, Golden Globe - Best Foreign Film 2002, LAFCA Award - Best Foreign Film 2001 and many others... The film is about two soldiers, one Bosnian and one Serb, who confront each other in a trench in the no man's land between their lines in the year 1993 - the time when the fights between two sides were very heavy...

Bosnian > Famous Names or Titles > Movies / Films

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 5
# of votes 3
# of Garbage Votes 0
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

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Reviewer Comments
Senija M.
(native speaker)
Rating: 5 October 1, 2007
great game
Rating: 5 March 6, 2007
Instead of "Nicija zemlja", in English we say "No Man's Land"
Rating: 5 July 25, 2006
Inga, Please continue making games. Thank you. James
Instead of "Nicija zemlja", in English we say "No Man's Land"

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