Hangman Game Feedback

When one is slow they are.....
not fast
1. nah ah you are going to have to try harder
2. fine....what is a low speed?
3. hmmmm 3 hints for this..... oh well. The second word starts with a f and ends with a ast.
1. sluggish
2. slow
3. not speedy
Slow is the opposite of fast, as such not fast would equal slow. The 'not' makes the word it is in front of have a opposite meaning.

English > - Others - > People

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 5
# of votes 3
# of Garbage Votes 0
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

Individual Ratings and Comments

This list may differ from the summary statistics above because only approved ratings are shown.

Reviewer Comments
(native speaker)
Rating: 5 October 5, 2008
Instead of "not fast", in English we say "slow"
wascar c.
Rating: 5 July 19, 2007
its a best game, i traid to make a good job
Instead of "not fast", in Spanish we say "lento, muy lento"
Feodor L.
Rating: 5 June 2, 2007
Instead of "not fast", in Russian we say "Не быстро"

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