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Hangman Game Feedback

I doubt that it's necessary that you finish.
Je doute qu'il faille que tu finisse.
French > - Other - > - Other -

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 3.6
# of votes 6
# of Garbage Votes 1
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 1

Individual Ratings and Comments

This list may differ from the summary statistics above because only approved ratings are shown.

Reviewer Comments
richard g.
Rating: 4 August 3, 2011
Alina R.
Rating: 5 May 21, 2011
Instead of "Je doute qu'il faille que tu finisse.", in Italian we say "Dubito che sia necessario che tu finisca"
jean g.
Rating: 5 November 22, 2009
le subjonctive est trop dure
(native speaker)
Rating: 0 May 12, 2009
Bonjour Andy,
Concernant la phrase de ton jeu ,à la deuxième personne du singulier dont le pronom est "tu" les verbes se terminent en " s" ou "x " , jamais par "e" : que tu finisses, tu prends , tu veux , etc..

Sincères salutations

Stefan H.
Rating: 5 September 15, 2008
Tough! Had forgotten all my subjunctive!!
Instead of "Je doute qu'il faille que tu finisse.", in English we say "I don't think you need to bother"
Rating: 3 August 4, 2008

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